Excelência em Saúde e Segurança do Trabalho

Contextualização com a realidade corporativa.


a welder working on a piece of metal
a welder working on a piece of metal
woman in white shirt writing on white paper
woman in white shirt writing on white paper
man in white hard hat standing on brown wooden dock during daytime
man in white hard hat standing on brown wooden dock during daytime
a group of firefighters standing around a fire hydrant
a group of firefighters standing around a fire hydrant

Laudos Técnicos Ambientais

Programas Preventivos

Treinamentos Normativos NR`s

a person standing in front of a desk with a laptop on it
a person standing in front of a desk with a laptop on it


man standing in stage beside blue curtain
man standing in stage beside blue curtain

Palestras Preventivas

black flat screen computer monitor
black flat screen computer monitor
doctor sitting at the table in front of girl
doctor sitting at the table in front of girl

Terceirização SESMT

Saúde Ocupacional

man in white long sleeve shirt and blue denim jeans standing on white metal ladder
man in white long sleeve shirt and blue denim jeans standing on white metal ladder
two silo at the factory
two silo at the factory

Gerenciamento do Trabalho em Altura

Projetos de Engenharia

Gerenciamento de Espaços Confinados

multicolored electronic part
multicolored electronic part

Consultoria Especializada NR-10

a factory filled with lots of orange machines
a factory filled with lots of orange machines

Consultoria Especializada NR-12

yellow propane tank lot on truck
yellow propane tank lot on truck

Consultoria Especializada NR-20



a red fire hydrant sitting next to a metal fence
a red fire hydrant sitting next to a metal fence
white metal framed glass roof
white metal framed glass roof

Inspeção - Prevenção e Combate a Incêndios

Inspeção - Prevenção Contra Quedas - SPCQ/SPIQ

person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer

Mapeamento e Inventário - Perigos e Riscos ISO 45001

graphs of performance analytics on a laptop screen
graphs of performance analytics on a laptop screen

Auditoria e Diagnóstico - Requisitos Legais SST

a close-up of a machine
a close-up of a machine

Inspeção - Caldeiras e Vasos de Pressão


Estamos situados na região central de Fazenda Rio Grande, oferecendo serviços de excelência em saúde e segurança do trabalho.


Seg a Sex

08h00 - 18h00

Rua Avenida Araucárias, 331, Eucaliptos FRG